I have found a flowering plant that butterflies flock to. It is purple ageratum and as you can see in the pics, when it is blooming it is covered in butterflies!

Close-up pic of one of my canna blooms~~

This little guy surprised me when I was watering.Such a pretty green!!

Hope you enjoyed the photographs. I would love to hear from you, leave a comment. I will try to respond in kind(sometimes I visit a blog and I am not able to leave a comment-just a box that will not accept key strokes) ~~Lisha
Hello Lisha,
Those are gorgeous pictures of the butterflies and flowers! Love the little frog! Your canna bloom is beautiful.
The Vogue in Graham looks like a fabulous little shop. If I ever get back to TX, I will be sure to stop there!
~ Tracy
Oh my goodness...I have never seen butterflies that color or a frog that green. We have only orange or yellow butterflies and dark green toads. Amazing! Great pictures...I enjoyed them a lot:)
Hi Lisha, I have never seen so many butterflies on one flower in my life! So beautiful! Loved all your photos. Have a great weekend. Love, Penny
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