I am back(mother and baby doing well) just in time to get in on Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's, My Romantic Home.
I thought I would share this cute little iron window box that I mounted on our well-house (pump house).
My Asian Lilies are blooming. Aren't they beautiful! The other picture is a close-up of my Plumbago blossoms.
Old bottles that you can pick up for a few dollars at Flea Markets and Antique Malls, make nice little "vases" for flowers. I just put one or two in each bottle, and group them. Also, use an antique or vintage bottle for your room diffusers! Much more attractive than the common bottles they come in.
I would love to hear from you. Have a great day~~~Lisha
Beautiful pictures! The window box is very very pretty!
I love your window box and little flower filled bottles...lovely pictures!
Your newest follower:)
The window box is awesome! The bottles are really sweet...I think I should did mine out of the closet!
Hi Lisha,
Your flowers are beautiful, and I am loving that too charming window box!
Love your beautiful photos and the vintage bottles with cut flowers, very pretty blog.
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