Hi, today I am participating in Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home. I stopped in at my favorite consignment store the other day and found this sweet metal tissue box holder with handpainting and openwork around the bottom. I also got this heavy glass pedestal. I plan on gluing a plate to the top----and add it to my collection of pedestal servers. There is something about pedestal cake plates that I cannot seem to resist. I have about 8 of them, including a couple of small ones I have made myself. What works really well for making the small servers, are the cheese servers with the glass dome. These you can pick up for little of nothing at thrift stores--along with candleholders. The candleholders in my picture, reminded me of MacKenzie Childs style. What do you think? Just glue your plate(dessert plates work well) to the candleholder, add the dome and wha..la..! There are great combinations out there once you start looking.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure and visit the other great Show and Tell posts~~~~~~Lisha
I LOVE the candle holders!
Hi Lisha, The candle holders are cute. Thank's for stopping by. Have a good Saturday...Julian
So glad you found my Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.
Enoyed a first visit. Following....
Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon.
Be sure and go to the most recent post at Texas-Blogging Gals to get in on the giveaway!
Hi Lisha, Love the cheese dome idea, I have one and never thought to use it in this way! Thanks for the idea. Yours turned out great. Remember when ever other photo was MacKenzie Childs, or in that style. Love, Penny
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