Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I love browsing through magazines and online looking at decorating ideas. I came across these kitchens here, and thought you might also enjoy looking at them. Sometimes it may just be something so small that catches my eye, that I can add to my home~~maybe a different style wicker basket with herbs potted up, a linen shade, an old enamel bucket for fresh flowers, a bamboo blind or maybe the light airy look of a maidenhair fern. Love it when something inspires me! Have you found something lately that you added to your decor, or something that inspired you?

I love light, airy style kitchens, but on the other hand, I love warm cozy old world style kitchens. So....I guess I would have to say my perfect kitchen would be a combination of light colored cabinets and countertops but with old world style. What kind of kitchen do you like?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's that time again~~Outdoor Wednesday over at A Southern Daydreamer.
Be sure and check out all the great outdoor posts!

While I am on the road I always take my camera and I enjoy taking pictures of courthouses. Above are pictures of Coryell County Courthouse in Gatesville, Texas. It was completed in 1898 and is constructed of native limestone and Pecos Sandstone. It is an outstanding example of Second Empire Victorian Style. Built by Wesley Clark Dodson, it was a change from his usual style. Coryell County Courthouse is listed on The National Register of Historicplaces. You can read more about it here.

This courthouse is one of my favorites, not just for the style but the color also. This is Hill County Courthouse in Hillsboro, Texas. It was also designed by W.C. Dobson. It was a merging of Second Empire, Classical Revival, and Italianate features-it was quite controversial at the time-strong likes and dislikes. But in the end, were proud of their courthouse. The three story structure is made of limestone and has a tower in the middle that rises seven stories. In 1993 the courthouse caught fire and much was destroyed. Since there were no blueprints, the restoration architects looked at Granbury's 1890 courthouse which was also designed by Dobson, and interviewed those who worked at the courthouse and decided how the "new" courthouse would look. More can be read abot it here. It was rebuilt to its original splendor. I think it is a beautiful building!
Do you think there are any of these up under the eaves somewhere???? Love those serious looking faces!! LOL

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am back(mother and baby doing well) just in time to get in on Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's, My Romantic Home.
I thought I would share this cute little iron window box that I mounted on our well-house (pump house).

My Asian Lilies are blooming. Aren't they beautiful! The other picture is a close-up of my Plumbago blossoms.

Old bottles that you can pick up for a few dollars at Flea Markets and Antique Malls, make nice little "vases" for flowers. I just put one or two in each bottle, and group them. Also, use an antique or vintage bottle for your room diffusers! Much more attractive than the common bottles they come in.
I would love to hear from you. Have a great day~~~Lisha

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My new little grand-daughter is here! She was born on June 1st, weighing 6 lbs and 8 ounces--a little darling! She is alittle jaundice. We are praying that will clear up shortly. I will be staying for a little while to help out. I dont know if I will get the opportunity to post anything else while here as I am busy, busy, busy--three year old "big sister" keeps me hoppin! Have a wonderful day~~~~Lisha